Professional magician and mentalist
Bordeaux, Paris, Reims, Genève, Monde

Resident Magician

Anantara Maia Seychelles

(traveller's choice best of the best 2022 sur tripadvisor - https://www.anantara.com/fr/maia-seychelles)

You are in the right place !

What is

a close-up magician ?

Close-up magic, is a kind of magic that happens very close to the people, either during cocktail or during an event from table to table.
It is done with cards, coins, or any kind of small objects, even without anything ! But always close to people and with there active participation.
Magie pour le Maire de Reims aux Halles du Boulingrin
Magie pour le Maire de Reims aux Halles du Boulingrin
The advantages of close-up magic are plenty. But i will still try to quote a few :
  • A lot of spectator's participation
  • Nothing needed from the organization
  • Really close to people
  • Each group live a different experience
  • Very good ice-breaker for groups of people that doesn't know each other

My goal :

To satisfy my spectators

Wether it be in Bordeaux, Reims, Paris, Biarritz or in Seychelles my sole purpose is always to satisfy my spectator's.
As i always say: "I am only as good as my spectators are good"
My vision of magic is simple : Make my spectators feel special and make them have a great time !
Obviously, there as to be mystery... but like in a movie, the most important is the surprises, twist, joy... and every other elements that will make this experience unforgetable !
Réaction spectatrice au Mama Shelter Philippe Starck à Bordeaux
Réaction spectatrice au Mama Shelter Philippe Starck à Bordeaux
magie pour la Société Générale au Salons Degermann
magie pour la Société Générale au Salons Degermann
Magie pour un mariage au Château de Garde
Magie pour un mariage au Château de Garde
avis magicien Bordeaux Gironde
avis magicien Bordeaux Gironde

Magic :

Reserved for any occasion

As long as my spectators can see me, hear me, and understand me clearly. There is no limit to the type of event in which i can perform.

In love
with magic

Since more than 20 years I am studying magic in search of the effects that will make you live an unforgettable moment.
By mixing manipulation, comedy, psychology, suggestion, misdirection and showmanship.

photo promo Julien illusionniste magicien mentaliste
photo promo Julien illusionniste magicien mentaliste